Peter preached on six different topics submitted by members of the congregation in a series called, "You Asked for It."
As always, there were more questions submitted than he was able to get to. However, former Chairman of the Elders and longtime member of Jerome Christian Church, Dick Moser, took the time to provide biblical responses to each of them.
Click on the title of each question below to read the corresponding response.
As always, there were more questions submitted than he was able to get to. However, former Chairman of the Elders and longtime member of Jerome Christian Church, Dick Moser, took the time to provide biblical responses to each of them.
Click on the title of each question below to read the corresponding response.
- When we die do we go straight to heaven? Or do we stay “asleep” in the grave? Is judgement immediate or later?
- Satan rebelled against God. Where did that first evil come from?
- When do you get the Holy Spirit?
- Should we as a Christian Church celebrate Halloween?
- What if you forgive someone (family) but can’t forget. Is it okay to just cut them out of your life and walk away?
- I understand there is no such thing as a perfect Christian, but I find myself wanting and struggling to live a more Christ-like life. I’d really like to hear what the bible says about the desire for relationships. How might we deal with the desire for love and not only the friendly like love? What I understand is it takes discipline and prayer but what else?
- Are evil spirits/demons actually fallen angels? Or are they spirits of evil people?