Peter preached on seven different topics submitted by members of the congregation in a series called, "You Asked for It."
As always, there were more questions submitted than he was able to get to. However, former Chairman of the Elders and longtime member of Jerome Christian Church, Dick Moser, took the time to provide biblical responses to each of them.
Click on the title of each question below to read the corresponding response.
As always, there were more questions submitted than he was able to get to. However, former Chairman of the Elders and longtime member of Jerome Christian Church, Dick Moser, took the time to provide biblical responses to each of them.
Click on the title of each question below to read the corresponding response.
- If God’s justice demands our pardon in Christ, then how could we ever lose that? How could we actually ‘fall from grace?’
- The Bible says we are to ‘respect and obey’ our leaders…How do we do that when our elected government officials are not someone I remotely respect?
- Predestination vs. Free will
- What is the line between being abundantly blessed and being humble? I have a friend that is so put off by other pastors who seem to be reaping massive financial benefits from the church. How can I help him understand how to recognize where the right and wrong is, and help him understand that not all Christian pastors lead the same way, even though all claim to follow Jesus? Basically, shouldn’t the mega churches be blessing their community more than their pastors?
- In Genesis 1:26, God said ‘Let us make man…’ – who is US?
- How to pray for supernatural healing for others and oneself when a bad health diagnosis has happened? Seemingly in the prime of life. Knowing that everything doesn’t always work out. How to keep faith and hope alive during these times. If we have the Holy Spirit in us, why does he not protect us from sickness, death, or our body imperfections?
- Is Bigfoot a Nephilim?