Jerome Christian Church Preschool is a God-centered preschool. Our preschool is designed to provide a safe, nurturing Christian environment for children to play, love, discover, and grow. We use hands on creative experiences to help children develop socially, emotionally, physically, academically, and spiritually.
A LITTLE ABOUT OUR PRESCHOOL DAYAs the children arrive at preschool, our day begins with center time, which includes a variety of centers for the children to use their imagination to discover, be creative, and develop their social and motor skills. After center time, the children sit on the carpet for circle time, this is a time of learning about the pledges, calendar, seasons, weather, shapes, numbers and colors through singing and finger plays. Bible stories are also shared during this time. After circle time, the children go into small group work, table work, or a cooking activity to learn more about the letters, numbers, or themes of the month. Examples of some of our themes are: Apples, fall harvest, pumpkins, Thanksgiving, our pets, winter, polar animals, hibernation, healthy eating, teeth, and spring. Restroom break, snack, show & tell, and recess time are the next part of our day. During snack time, the leader of the day, shares a snack and their show & tell with the other children. This is a time of visiting with the other children and their teacher. During recess, the children have an opportunity to develop their gross motor skills by playing on the playground or in the auditorium. After recess, the teacher reads a book pertaining to the themes, seasons, etc. to prepare the students for a time of table work or small group work concentrating on science, numbers, or themes of the month. Our preschool day comes to a close with a final story and review of the day’s work. Some of our special activities are: Thanksgiving feast, Christmas program, donuts with dad, muffins with mom, grandparents/special person’s day, field trips, picnic for our threes, and graduation for our pre-k classes.